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MEMORY VERSE: "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."    Acts 2:1-2
BIBLE PASSAGE: Galatians 5:13-26
The Holy Spirit will always be associated with the day of Pentecost. Pentecost will always be associated with the wind of God and the sovereign operation of the Holy Spirit. As we begin this series on the Holy Spirit, we shall talk about
the wind as symbol of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord bless us as we study in Jesus' name.
1.                                          THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A POWERFUL WIND
2.                                          THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A REVIVING WIND
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came as a mighty rushing wind - Acts 2: 1-2.This should not surprise us since the wind is part of the treasures of God – Jeremiah 10:13. In fact, at creation, the Holy Spirit manifested as the very breath of God that turned man from an ordinary lump of clay to a living soul - Genesis 2:7. The Holy Spirit is sovereign. He does as He pleases - Psalm 115:3 - just as the wind blows wherever it pleases (John 3:8) which is why God can save whoever He chooses (Romans 9:14-16.) Part of what the Holy Spirit can do is to make the impossible possible - Luke 1:34-37. For example, He could blow a valley full of dry bones and resurrect a mighty army - Ezekiel 37:4-10. Similarly, He can heal any land if God's people would meet the divine requirements - 2 Chronicles 7:14. One of these requirements is to pray tirelessly­(Luke 18:1) and unceasingly - 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
How can anyone pray without tiring and without ceasing? It is only through the help of the Holy Spirit who keeps supplying the "second wind" to the prayer warrior - Romans 8:26. It is, therefore, the Holy Spirit who can help us to pray foundation-­shaking prayers - Acts 4:31. The Holy Spirit keeps strengthening and reviving the prayer warrior even in the time of trouble - Psalm 138:3, 7­until victory is won - Psalm 138:8.
When the wind of the Holy Spirit blows, a lump of clay can become a living soul, dry bones can live and a prayer warrior can pray ceaselessly and tirelessly. In short, when the wind of the Holy Spirit blows, the impossible can become possible.
1.     What was the first work the Holy Spirit did in man?
2.     How do we know that the Holy Spirit is sovereign?
3.     How can we pray without ceasing?
MON: Isaiah 41:16 - Do not worry anymore. The wind shall blow and the threshed
           mountains and hills shall be no more.                    
TUE: Psalm 147:18 - God's word will not go unfulfilled. The wind would blow to your credit.
WED:   Jeremiah 22:22 - The wicked will not go unpunished. The wind of the Lord shall uproot them.
THUR: Isaiah 11: 15 - Your seas of trouble will part as the wind will miraculously blow again.
FRI:    Proverbs 11 :29 - Just as the word is two-edged, so, the wind has dual effects.
Desire the positive one only.
SAT:   Amos 4: 13 - The Lord of hosts, the Creator of the wind shall fight for you.
SUN:   Psalm 135:7 - Release the wind, oh Lord, and send your revival.