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In this year of overflow, an acceptable worship to God cannot be overemphasized. We were called for the purpose of praising God, worshiping God. That is one of the job descriptions of a Christian.
(1 Peter 2:9). Worship, then, involves both our attitude and our action. Worship is the attitude of reverence and adoration, as well as the action of humble, loving service to God, who alone is worthy.
Another preliminary point is that worship is a response to God. We can't know God's worth; much less declare it, unless God reveals himself to us. So God initiates worship by revealing himself to us. Then we respond, and the proper response is worship. The more we grasp his greatness, his power, his love, his character, the more we understand his worthiness, the better we can declare his worth – the better we can worship.
Both Old Testament and New Testament tell us that our relationship with God should involve our heart, mind, soul, and strength. It involves all that we are. Worship involves heart, mind, soul and strength, too.
Music is important, but worship is not just music – it involves our entire relationship with God, all our heart, mind, soul, and strength – it involves all the ways in which we can respond to God, all the ways we can praise him by what we say and do, all the ways we can demonstrate that God is worthy of all praise and honor and allegiance. True worship is in the heart, and in its outward expression it can take place in the home, on the job, and in the church.
In our worship services today, where is the worship? It's in the songs, in the sermon, and in the attentiveness that we have in listening to the sermon. But there is also worship in the work that goes on behind the scenes. People who get the building ready may be making sacrifices to God that is pleasing to him. Those who help with refreshments may worship as they work. When we do good and share with others, we are giving the kind of worship that God wants.
People who work with children are worshiping as they help children understand the good news about Jesus Christ. In their actions and in their words, they are praising God. They are showing that he changes our lives, and he changes our priorities. We no longer live to please ourselves, but to serve others. This is a form of worship. Worship involves our entire relationship with God: our words, our attitudes, and our actions. Our words may be normal conversation, songs or prayers. In any style of speaking, we can declare God's praises and express our faith reliance on him.
God wants worship not only on our lips, but also in our hearts. He wants our worship to be sincere — he wants to be the most important thing in our lives, that we are truly submissive to him. He wants our worship to affect our behavior, that we make sacrifices that we put to death the deeds of selfishness, that we seek justice, be merciful and humble, and help others. He wants us not just to obey him, but to serve in ways that go beyond specific commands. We are to worship wherever we go, doing all things to God's glory, praying always, giving thanks always, and never ceasing to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. Our worship involves how we work, how we drive, and how we choose what to watch on television.
There are also actions that are more specifically times of worship. We might call these private devotions, or spiritual disciplines. These are habits and actions of worship we do individually, as opposed to worship when we gather as a church.
Worship is not restricted to a specific place and time. The best thing that has ever happened to us is that we have God in our lives. We worship all the time, but we also worship together at specific times at meetings designated for that specific purpose.
In conclusion, to know a true worship, we need to ask these questions:
Does it glorify God? That is one major purpose of worship.
Does it build up the body of Christ? That is another major purpose. And third,
Does it help us be what God wants us to be in the world? Does it have practical results in our lives?
Examine your worship with the above worship with the above yardstick.
   Above all, you must knows who you are worshiping that is you must have personal relationship with Jesus (Be born again) in other to give true worship to God.
 God bless you.