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 We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (GNB)
In life we are all dealt crippling blows. Blows that really hurt and can sometimes crush us. A serious accident, an illness, being made redundant, an emotional betrayal, bad things happen to people all the time.
At such times it is natural to turn to God and ask, “Why Lord, why is this happening to me?”
Joseph must have asked the same question. Bullied by his brothers, robbed of his cloak, thrown in a well, and then sold into slavery to Potiphar, captain of the King of Egypt’s palace guard. Where was God in all this? (Genesis 37:23-28)
Joseph did prosper under his slave owner but his troubles were far from over. Although totally innocent, he was falsely accused of attempted rape by Potiphar’s wife and falsely imprisoned.
It was only many years later that Joseph finally realised that God had turned the evil that had been done to him into good, in order to save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20)
Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, the Bible contains many examples of people who underwent great hardships which God turned to the good for his purpose.
He works in our lives too, for he has a wonderful plan and a purpose for each one of us. There may be times when we are at a complete loss to understand what is happening to us, and why.
Then more than ever, we need to move forward trusting in him. Confident in the knowledge that his love and his power will carry us through and we will ultimately share in his glory.
Prayer: Sovereign Father, we are often troubled and stressed when we find ourselves in circumstances beyond our control. Grant us the serenity to accept that both our present and our future are in your keeping and we may rest secure in you. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.